episode 39: The Presenters Gather at the 2017 Presentation Summit Conference!
We brought our portable podcast-in-a-box to the 2017 Presentation Summit conference. Microsoft has awarded 16 MVPs for PowerPoint in North America and 10 are featured in this episode!! The Presentation Summit conference is focused on the Presentation Industry and gave us the opportunity record this special episode with over a dozen presentation experts gathered around a table for a rambling conversation about presentation design trends, PowerPoint hacks, and more!
- Troy Chollar, TLC Creative Services, Inc. (PowerPoint MVP)
- Lori Chollar, TLC Creative Services, Inc.
- Sandy Johnson, PPTWiz (PowerPoint MVP)
- Ric Bretschneider (PowerPoint MVP)
- Echo Swinford, Echo’s Voice (PowerPoint MVP)
- Julie Terberg, Terberg Design (PowerPoint MVP)
- Mike Parkinson, Billion Dollar Graphics (PowerPoint MVP)
- Heather Ackmann (PowerPoint MVP)
- Glenna Shaw (PowerPoint MVP)
- Tom Howell, Synapsis Creative (PowerPoint MVP)
- Doug Thomas, Microsoft
- Chantal Bossé, Chabos (PowerPoint MVP)
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