episode 54: A Conversation with PPT Add-in Developers Part 2
This is Part 2 of the PowerPoint add-ins conversation with developers Steve Rindsberg of PPTools, Gil Segal of ToolsToo, and Jamie Garroch of YouPresent (Listen to episode 52 for Part 1 of the conversation). Amongst the great conversation full of insights and tips we cover three additional questions to the developers:
- What are some advantages, and some disadvantages to the new Microsoft Store web-based add-ins?
- Mac PowerPoint has announced it is now using the same code base as the Windows version, an amazing software feat. Will this change the availability of add-ins on the Mac ?
- What is an add-in you would like to develop?
And thanks to Jamie Garroch for the hidden code (it works!) in the episode banner!
- PPTools, Steve Rinsberg
- YouPresent, Jamie Garroch
- ToolsToo, Gil Segal
- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Presentation on Iran Nuclear Files
- Windows 10 Focus Assist and Quiet Hours Feature (updated April 2018)
- Office 2019 Overview
- Office 2019 Preview Program Info and Register
- Creating Accessible Documents, by Glenna Shaw
- Tory Burch Fitbit Alta / Bracelet
- Turn off/on Windows 10 Peek
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