episode 84: Presentation Professional Certifications are Here! (with Echo Swinford and Glenna Shaw)

  • Professional presentation certifications are coming to the presentation industry. The Presentation Guild has undertaken this massive effort and it is currently in a beta test mode, which shows this is an organization serious about things being done professionally and getting things right. Today we get to talk with some with the administrative team behind the Presentation Certifications to us the inside scoop on an industry first, and the first of it’s kind, Presentation Professional certification.

Summary of topics we talked about during this podcast

  • When is the professional presentation certification program officially launched and available for people to be certified? (Launch date is October 1, 2019 with a special certification bootcamp available at the Presentation Summit on October 5, 2019)
  • Quick history of the professional presentation certification program
  • Who is the professional presentation certification program specifically for?
  • Does a designer need to ladder through each level, or can they “jump”?
  • Does certification require a specific platform or Microsoft Office version?
  • The certification teams’ view of the beta test experience
  • What is the future of the professional presentation certification program, and how will it adapt with the program? How often will the test experience be updated? How long is the certification valid?
  • What some of the other design specific certifications out there?
  • What is the Microsoft connection to the professional presentation certification program? What is the Presentation Summit connection with the professional presentation certification program?
  • Is being certified as a presentation professional required for Presentation Guild members?


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