episode 88: Live from the 2019 Presentation Summit!
Join us at the 2019 Presentation Summit in San Antonio, TX where we gathered over 20 presentation industry people of interest for an all-encompassing conversation on everything presentation. Including, design tricks, tips on running a presentation business, recommendations and a free-for-all review of the Presentation Summit!
“Working with people like all of you, spoils you for real life”
– John Wilson/Julie Terberg
- Troy Chollar, TLC Creative Services, Inc. and The PowerPoint Blog
- Lori Chollar, TLC Creative Services, Inc.
- Nolan Haims, Nolan Haims Creative
- Sandra Johnson, Presentation Wiz
- Echo Swinford, Echo’s Voice
- Julie Terberg, Terberg Design
- Richard Goring, BrightCarbon
- Jamie Garrouch – author of Brightslide PowerPoint add-in at, BrightCarbon
- Tom Howell, Synapsis Creative
- Glenna Shaw
- Steve Rindsberg, PPTools (awesome PowerPoint add-ins!) and the PPT FAQ
- Mike Parkinson (https://billiondollargraphics.com/)
- Stephy Lewis, The Presentation Workshop
- Ric Bretschneider
- Marsh Makstein, eSlide
- Simon Morton, Eyeful Presentations
- John Wilson, PPT Alchemy
- Heather Ackman
- The Presentation Guild
- Presentation Certifications
- Brightslide PowerPoint add-in
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