e106: Resources for Presentations Designers
- Resources for presentation designers. Troy, Nolan and Sandy talk through 7 categories; books/magazines, conferences, forums, online resources, podcasts, training, and information channels. Each shares their list for each category, and here are links to much of what was talked about this episode.
- LinkedIn Learning
- Prezi.com
- Google Slides
- Apple Keynote
- Nuts and Bolts Speed Training
- The Presentation Guild
- Skillshare
- Techsmith (how-to’s)
- The PowerPoint Blog
- Policyviz Podcast
- Storytelling with Data
- Present Beyond Measure Podcast with Lea Pica
- This Moved Me Podcast with Sally Zimney
- Fearless Presentations with Doug Staneart
- Build a Better Agency Podcast
- The Deeply Graphic Design Podcast
- Design Matters Podcast
- Once Upon a Slide Podcast
- Indezine
- Microsoft Office Insider newsletter
- Mike Taylor’s newsletter
- Present Your Story
- BrightCarbon Resources
- Noun Project
- PPTools
- Design to Present
- EchosVoice
- Design Taxi
- Answers.Microsoft.com
- r/PowerPoint on Reddit.com
- PowerPoint.UserVoice.com
- Sweating Bullets (PDF of book)
- Slide:ology book
- Resonate book
- Uppercase magazine
- Communication Arts magazine
- The Presentation Summit
- Presentation Ideas online conference
- Click Conference
- Training Magazine Network
- The Microsoft MVP Summit
- AIGA San Diego Y Conference
- AIGA National Design Conference
- Adobe Max conference
- The How Conference
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