e128 – Learning about eLearning – A Conversation with Mike Taylor

Show Notes – Episode 128

  • Can a presentation designer be an integral part of the eLearning content development? This episode we are excited to talk with Mike Taylor about all things eLearning and focus on how PowerPoint as an app can be integral to the process and how being a presentation designer can make you a valued part of the process.

I am a topic being discussed 

  • Troy:For myself and my design team, it is PowerPoint 2016 for Windows. There are computers in the studio with 2003, 2010 and 2013 as “test” computers, along with 2011 on the Mac side.
  • Sandra: 2013 primarily, but 2010 as needed and 2016 on my “travel” laptop
  • Nolan: 2016 on the PC, but split 50/50 on the Mac between 2011 and 2016.

Resources from this Episode: 

Mike Taylor


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