e155 – Mac PPT vs Windows PPT
Show Notes – Episode #155
- PowerPoint is a coding amazement, the same code base for every version; Windows, Mac, Web and Mobile. Troy recently has been on multiple projects that used PowerPoint for Mac, giving him a lot of time in the Mac version. The result was a list of 20+ questions and observations on differences between the Mac version and the Windows version. Join Troy and Nolan as they talk about Mac PPT vs. Windows PPT.
Resources from this Episode:
- Correction: Lori’s first Mac computer was a Mac 2 CI (not “SE”) – and it had a black/white printer
- Neuxpower Slidewise
- PowerPoint Cameo
- PowerPoint Speaker Coach
- Troy’s blog post on Mac Airdrop (June 2, 2022)
- Apple refurb and clearance store (on apple.com)
- Mac Bartender
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