138 – Presentation Women Talk Business
Show Notes – Episode #138 Lori Chollar [...]
Show Notes – Episode #138 Lori Chollar [...]
Show Notes – Episode #134 What do [...]
Troy, Sandy and Lori of TLC Creative Services, Inc. give three perspectives on what happens in the day of a presentation designer.
Applying for a position is stressful. Managing the hiring process is also stressful and a time-consuming process. Troy and Lori from TLC Creative Services, Inc. talk through their experiences in the hiring process: job listings, resume and cover letter mistakes, phone and in-person interview suggestions, things that help applicants stand out and things that move an application to the “no” list.
Join Troy Chollar, Stephy Lewis, Bryan Jones and Lori Chollar for a designer conversation about being a presentation designer - without a formal design education (note: Lori joined us to represent those with a formal design education) as we enjoyed finding an hour to talk during the 2018 Presentation Summit.
This episode is a live conversation recorded at the 2018 Presentation Summit in San Diego California. We gathered around a table and just the let conversation flow - so enjoy a fantastic everything presentation conversation among 10 presentation industry experts!
After talking about studio projects and presentation industry news, Troy and Nolan head out the door while Sandra Johnson, Nancy Duarte, and Lori Chollar have an amazing time talking about being Women Owned Businesses in the design industry - a conversation not to miss!
PowerPoint Templates have lots of setup, design, distribution and end-use considerations. For this episode we have a virtual conversation with a number of presentation design experts volunteering their expertise and recommendations on everything PowerPoint templates.